1990 Alfa-Romeo 380,384,438
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(Blue Alfa : Alfa-Romeo : 1988 - 2001)
At we have records of this paint for over 13 years of use.

1990 paint by Alfa-Romeo with short manufacturer/year paint code of 380,384,438. This blue automotive paint color is most commonly known as Blue Alfa. Another common paint color promotional name is Blu Lord. The color formulation has been used between 1988 and 2001, primarily by Alfa-Romeo. We have records of this color appearing on the model of 156 and 164. See the full detailed list below.

There are multiple short manufacturer/year codes for this paint on a 153373 in 1990, they are 380, 384, and 438. The code 380,384,438 is unique to this paint color formulation for this year; therefore, the code can be used along with the manufacturer and year to specify the paint. For example: "380,384,438 1990 Alfa-Romeo".

Example of 1990 Alfa-Romeo 380,384,438
1990 Alfa-Romeo 380,384,438
See more information on "1990 Alfa-Romeo 380,384,438"
or See all paints with a short model/year code of "380,384,438"

Usage list 1990 Alfa-Romeo 380,384,438 paint (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
1988Alfa-Romeo155380,384,438Blue Alfa
1988Alfa-Romeo156380,384,438Blue Alfa
1988Alfa-Romeo164380,384,438Blue Alfa
1989Alfa-Romeo155380,384,438Blue Alfa
1989Alfa-Romeo156380,384,438Blue Alfa
1989Alfa-Romeo164380,384,438Blue Alfa
1990Alfa-Romeo155380,384,438Blue Alfa
1990Alfa-Romeo156380,384,438Blue Alfa
1990Alfa-Romeo164380,384,438Blue Alfa
1991Alfa-Romeo380,384,438Blue Alfa155 156 164
1991Alfa-Romeo155380,384,438Blue Alfa
1991Alfa-Romeo156380,384,438Blue Alfa
1991Alfa-Romeo164380,384,438Blue Alfa
1992Alfa-Romeo380,384,438Blue Alfa155 156 164
1992Alfa-Romeo155380,384,438Blue Alfa
1992Alfa-Romeo156380,384,438Blue Alfa
1992Alfa-Romeo164380,384,438Blue Alfa
1993Alfa-Romeo380,384,438Blue Alfa155 156 164
1993Alfa-Romeo155380,384,438Blue Alfa
1993Alfa-Romeo156380,384,438Blue Alfa
1993Alfa-Romeo164380,384,438Blue Alfa
1994Alfa-Romeo380,384,438Blue Alfa155 156 164
1994Alfa-Romeo155380,384,438Blue Alfa
1994Alfa-Romeo156380,384,438Blue Alfa
1994Alfa-Romeo164380,384,438Blue Alfa
1995Alfa-Romeo380,384,438Blue Alfa155 156 164
1995Alfa-Romeo155380,384,438Blue Alfa
1995Alfa-Romeo156380,384,438Blue Alfa
1995Alfa-Romeo164380,384,438Blue Alfa
1996Alfa-Romeo380,384,438Blue Alfa155 156 164
1996Alfa-Romeo155380,384,438Blue Alfa
1996Alfa-Romeo156380,384,438Blue Alfa
1996Alfa-Romeo164380,384,438Blue Alfa
1997Alfa-Romeo380,384,438Blue Alfa155 156 164
1997Alfa-Romeo155380,384,438Blue Alfa
1997Alfa-Romeo156380,384,438Blue Alfa
1997Alfa-Romeo164380,384,438Blue Alfa
1998Alfa-Romeo380,384,438Blue Alfa155 156 164
1998Alfa-Romeo155380,384,438Blue Alfa
1998Alfa-Romeo156380,384,438Blue Alfa
1998Alfa-Romeo164380,384,438Blue Alfa
1999Alfa-Romeo380,384,438Blue Alfa155 156 164
1999Alfa-Romeo155380,384,438Blue Alfa
1999Alfa-Romeo156380,384,438Blue Alfa
1999Alfa-Romeo164380,384,438Blue Alfa
2000Alfa-Romeo380,384,438Blue Alfa155 156 164
2000Alfa-Romeo155380,384,438Blue Alfa
2000Alfa-Romeo156380,384,438Blue Alfa
2000Alfa-Romeo164380,384,438Blue Alfa
2001Alfa-Romeo380,384,438Blu Lord155 156 164
2001Alfa-Romeo155380,384,438Blu Lord
2001Alfa-Romeo156380,384,438Blue Alfa
2001Alfa-Romeo164380,384,438Blue Alfa

Paint Manufacturer Codes
Make/Year Code : 380, 438, 384
Dupont : N8902, N8903

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